header background of Best Buy & Yardbird case study

Best Buy + Yardbird

Best Buy announces Yardbird acquisition

Case Study

header background of Best Buy & Yardbird case study

Best Buy + Yardbird

Best Buy announces Yardbird acquisition

Case Study

header background of Best Buy & Yardbird case study

Best Buy + Yardbird

Best Buy announces Yardbird acquisition

Case Study

screenshots of news of Best Buy's acquisition of Yardbird
screenshots of news of Best Buy's acquisition of Yardbird
screenshots of news of Best Buy's acquisition of Yardbird


In November 2021, Best Buy announced it’s acquisition of Yardbird, a company that specializes in premium outdoor furniture made of sustainable materials.

As part of the acquisition, Best Buy committed to launching the Yardbird brand on bestbuy.com by mid-February 2022 (to a limited market) to coincide with outdoor furniture peak shopping season.

Thanks to efficient collaboration & transparent communication from leadership, Yardbird’s product line launched on time on bestbuy.com and eventually launched nationwide.


Demonstrate the customer problem to leadership and work toward a solution with the best possible customer experience within the time constraint.

my role

XD Designer on Post Purchase Team owning Order Details, Purchase History, Order Modifications


The existing solution was not intended for a sku collection such as Yardbird that included up to 8 separate items and would lead to a poor customer experience on bestbuy.com.

Team SYNC to map out customer journey

  • Understand what other UX enhancements will be implemented to Yardbird purchase journey

  • Discuss existing technical limitations

  • Adjust UX if needed to align with overall flow

Note: PDP designer chosen to user test overall flow to identify any usability problems and identify future enhancements



My Responsibility




Task: Create multiple iterations with varying balances of engineering effort & customer experience to help decide on MVP within time frame.

Focus: Utilization of existing elements within pattern library to ensure efficient engineering effort

line graph illustrating amount of engineering effort versus customer experience
line graph illustrating amount of engineering effort versus customer experience
line graph illustrating amount of engineering effort versus customer experience

Version 1:
+ Lowest engineering effort needed
- Worst customer experience

Considerations: Multiple ‘Cancel & Support Options’ per collection

  • If the customer wants to cancel their Yardbird order, they will have to complete multiple cancellation flows per collection

    • Allowing customer to “break” collection violates Best Buy’s agreement to sell Yardbird skus as complete collections

  • Displaying Yardbird collection as separate skus is inconsistent with how collection is displayed on PDP (single image) and could lead to customer confusion

  • Differing product name links going to same PDP could lead to customer confusion

screenshot of version 1
screenshot of version 1
screenshot of version 1

Version 2:
Medium engineering effort needed
Reasonable customer experience

Considerations: Consolidate to single ‘Cancel & Support Options’ button and single collection product “card

  • Displaying Yardbird collection as consolidated product “card” helps visually group sku

  • Single ‘Cancel & Support Options’ button allows customers to easily modify items as full collection

screenshot of version 2
screenshot of version 2
screenshot of version 2

Version 3:
- High engineering effort needed
+ Ideal customer experience

Considerations: Consolidate to single ‘Cancel & Support Options’ button and display collection as single image to match PDP

  • Displaying Yardbird collection as single image creates most consistency across customer journey

  • Displaying Yardbird collection as single image also reduces amount of scrolling for both desktop and mobile

  • Single ‘Cancel & Support Options’ button allows customers to easily modify items as full collection

screenshot of version 3
screenshot of version 3
screenshot of version 3

Presentation to leadership to align on solution


  • Must be buildable within deadline

  • Should provide best customer experience possible

  • Should be scalable for future similar product offerings

Solution chosen:

  • Consolidated ‘Cancel & Support Options’ button that’s also moved from item-level to order-level

    • Positive impact to order modification flows

  • Consolidated product “card” and single collection name that links to collection PDP

    • Positive impact to navigational expectation when clicking collection name link

  • Displaying collection as single image added to backlog as future enhancement

screenshot of chosen solution
screenshot of chosen solution
screenshot of chosen solution

Collaboration with Product & Engineering team

Definition of user requirements

  • Based on solution chosen by leadership

Other Use Cases / Considerations

  • What if customer orders multiple Yardbird collections?

  • What if Yardbird collection is split into multiple deliveries?

  • What if Yardbird collection is ordered with unrelated product?

  • What if employee in-store places order for single Yardbird sku or mismatching collection?

plot twist

As the Post Purchase Team was defining user requirements, a different designer was assigned to the Yardbird work and I was moved to focus on a different effort.

I still made myself available as a consultant to answer questions from the team.

The outcome

Despite hitting some speed bumps, the Yardbird product set did launch on time and the company still plans to expand nationwide

screenshot of launch webpage on bestbuy.com
screenshot of launch webpage on bestbuy.com
screenshot of launch webpage on bestbuy.com


This experience was a great reminder of the value of understanding the technical possibilities and limitations of a design. It helped me be better equipped for negotiations with stakeholders to advocate for the best possible customer experience.

It is also a reassuring example of how I can thrive under an aggressive deadline while effectively balancing different goals/motivations between different team members/stakeholders.

“In early 2022, a number of product teams had their scheduled roadmaps disrupted without warning when a recent acquisition by Best Buy turned in to an “all hands on deck” situation. Jake stepped up to lead the experience design for the post-purchase touchpoints in the customer journey. Jake took on a high-profile project with aggressive deadlines and knocked it out of the park. He worked with speed while maintaining a thorough view of the customers’ needs and delivered his part of the experience while balancing his regular responsibilities. This project had a ton of eyes on it and Jake truly came through in the clutch.”

thank you!

I appreciate you taking the time to review this case study. I chose this example because I feel it demonstrates:

  • My ability to work fast on a high-visibility project

  • My ability to navigate collaborations and negotations with multiple team members and stakeholders

  • My ability to work within confines of pattern library and technical limitations